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About Benz Chiropractic

back adjustmentKwinana Chiropractor Dr Gordon Benz has been providing people with quality healthcare since 1998 and at Benz Chiropractic since 2000. His dedication to his craft and desire to enhance his patients’ care has led him to complete a Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Paediatrics. Whether caring for a newborn, adult or the elderly, Dr Benz brings the same expertise, experience and compassion to everyone he comes in contact with.


Our Purpose and Vision

Our purpose is to bring healing hands, hearts and minds to our community in an authentic and inspiring way that truly impacts lives.

Our vision is to create a fulfilling and energising environment for all: (doctors, staff and patients) that achieves a high retention rate by exceeding patient expectations through excellence and introducing the chiropractic lifestyle.

Benz Chiropractic aims to gain  recognition at the state, national, and international levels for mastery of our craft and is such that we are actively sought out for collaboration opportunities. We aim to consistently attract and exchange with people we refer to as “our tribe” of people, which encompasses patients, healthcare providers, researchers and organisations.

chiropractic adjusting table

Discover What Makes Us Different

In addition to all the techniques Dr Benz is skilled in, he is an outstanding primary care provider with incredible healthcare knowledge and amazing contacts within the healthcare industry.

Furthermore, Dr Benz is one of only a few chiropractors in the state providing Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS – According to Kolar), a unique rehabilitation service that’s neurologically based and defines posture, breathing patterns (including core stabilization), movement and joint function. Used by an ever increasing number of professional athletes, e.g. Roger Federer for years, it has helped him and others stay at the top of their field.

We are a holistic health wellness centre. Regardless of the reason you seek our assistance, we’ll do our best to help you. Many complaints, issues, and problems may be corrected with chiropractic care, but whatever might be wrong with you, come in, and we’ll help you heal naturally and holistically. And if we can’t, we’ll make sure you are referred to someone who can.

Restored Function, Better Health

You might be surprised at the difference in the care you receive at our practice. Discover how our approach could give you results beyond your expectations. Call to book your consultation today!


About Benz Chiropractic | (08) 9439 1444