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New Patients at Benz Chiropractic

Welcome to our practice! We’re excited that you chose us for your healthcare needs. Our friendly staff will make sure you’re comfortable, and every member of your family feels they’re in the right place to heal.

We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing which allows free movement. And if you have prior imaging, please bring it with you. Our new patient process is a two-visit procedure: please allow 30-45 minutes for the initial consultation.

Consulting With Our Doctor

At your first appointment, you’ll initially complete new-patient paperwork. Then, our friendly staff will direct you to the consultation room. Your doctor will take a detailed health history and ask questions to obtain a complete picture of the problem.

Next, you will undergo a physical check-up to determine functionality. The quality of life is defined by a person’s capacity to function, not by the pain. Our goal is to determine, on an orthopaedic and neurological level, what’s functioning and what’s not. Many issues arise from core instability, and we’re able to assess that through our specialised testing. If necessary, X-rays will be taken at this time, and a second appointment will be booked.

doctor adjusting patients neck

The Report of Findings

The second visit centres around the Report of Findings, where the doctor explains the real problem and the process to address it. Many people believe their pain is from one area when, in fact, the root cause is entirely different.

After discussing your results, you’ll be given your customised plan of care. You’ll also receive an adjustment, and our staff will book your next appointments with the CA. Regular adjustments will follow the care plan with reassessment typically after 12 visits. Because of their quick response to care, children may be assessed sooner – it all depends on the individual.

Financial Matters

While we are not preferred providers, HICAPS is available on-site for your convenience. We gladly accept DVA patients as well. Please feel free to speak with us about any questions or concerns you may have with financial matters.

Start Your Journey to Health

Don’t suffer in silence; we’re here to help. Book an appointment today, and let’s address your problems and get you back to living your life.



New Patients at Benz Chiropractic | (08) 9439 1444