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Massage in Kwinana

person getting shoulder massage

At Benz Chiropractic, we offer various massage therapy services to help you achieve optimal wellness. Our informative, professional, and empathetic therapist is here to guide you through your healing journey and provide hope for a brighter future.

Techniques and Expertise

Our skilled therapist, Karla Lane, specialises in remedial massages and, with various techniques, ensures each patient receives the best possible results. She assesses the patient’s presenting complaint and goals to determine which methods best suit their needs. Some of the techniques Karla employs include:

  • Fascial work: focuses on structural bodywork to address fascial imbalances
  • Neuromuscular therapy: alleviates muscle tension and pain by targeting trigger points
  • Muscle energy: improves joint mobility and functionality
  • Strapping: provides additional support for acute injuries
  • Deep tissue: tailored to address specific tissues requiring attention
  • Sports massage: aids in recovery and performance enhancement for sports-related injuries
  • Pregnancy massage: promotes relaxation and relieves discomfort during pregnancy

person getting a back massage

Choosing the Right Session for You

Booking a massage appointment is quick and easy. You can choose from 30-, 60-, or 90-minute sessions based on your preference and availability. While informing us of any specific needs, such as a sports injury or pregnancy, is helpful, it is not required. Upon arrival, Karla will have a brief conversation with you to understand your concerns and goals, allowing her to tailor the session to your individual needs.

Our massage sessions are priced as follows:

  • 30 minutes $60
  • 60 minutes $100
  • 90 minutes$140

We accept private health insurance and offer HICAPS services for easy claiming. You can submit claims directly at our clinic if your coverage includes massage therapy.

Experience the Benefits of Massage

When patients arrive for their session, Karla reviews their health history and any new developments since the last visit. She may conduct a postural assessment or specific testing to understand the condition better.

Once comfortable on the massage table, Karla begins using the appropriate techniques for her patient. Afterwards, she checks in to discuss any changes the patient may have noticed. She may recommend home care exercises or provide guidance on stretching and strengthening if needed.

Relaxed, Recharged, and Restored

At Benz Chiropractic, we strive to create a professional yet friendly atmosphere where our patients feel comfortable and confident in their pursuit of healing and wellness. Book an appointment today and experience the benefits of our personalised massage therapy sessions.



Massage Kwinana, Parmelia WA | (08) 9439 1444